Grandmaster Felix Leong: Martial Arts Master on happiness, death, Ip Chun & living to over 100 



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Grandmaster Felix Leong has studied Wing Chun for over 50 years under Grandmaster Ip Chun, Grandmaster Sum Ng and Grandmaster Pan Nam both in China and Hong Kong. His teacher Ip Chun is the son of Ip Man, who trained Bruce Lee.

 Also know as Cheok Son, Grandmaster Leong is a Tae Chi, Qigong, Wu Shu and Muay Thai Master after over 50 years practicing martial arts, in addition to being an acupuncturist and Chinese energy master. “If you haven’t got good health, you haven’t got anything.” 

Born on Buddha Mountain in the Guangdong province of China to a family involved with martial arts, he went on to create his martial arts academy in Adelaide, Australia, in 1974. This burned down in 2015 in an Adelaide fire that caused 100,000$ worth of damage, but has since been rebuilt, and his Rebirth from the Ashes ceremony was attended by State Members of Parliament Jing Lee and David Pisoni in 2019. “If we can all give a hand when people need it, the world is much happier.”

At his academy, guests have included Ip Chun, Grandmaster Yuttana who is a national Muay Thai coach in Bangkok, Master Li Jun Feng who coached the Beijing Wu Shu team when Jet Li was training there as well as being a Chen style Tai Chi Grandmaster. His academy is one of the world’s top Wing Chun academies outside of China and Thailand. “People who train in martial arts can outlive the average person 20 years easy.” He discusses the fire that burnt down his academy, how he stays happy, the connection between energy and illness, prescience, what he thinks of death and why he expects to live to past 100.

Grandmaster’s book: Advanced Wing Chun Foundation – Sil Lim Tao
Grandmaster Leong’s website
Grandmaster’s Wing Chung Kung Fu Muay Thai Tai Chi and Wu Shu Academy on Facebook